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    2025德国杜塞尔多夫橡塑展览会K SHOW
    英国欧洲威凯展台搭建(伦敦) WinMaxLondon Exhibition Stand Con
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    [展会时间轴]  发布时间:2021/3/3 13:49:40
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  • 展会时间:2021年05月25 ~ 27日 展会地点:中国进出口商品交易会琶洲展馆


    主办单位: 汉诺威米兰佰特展览(广州)有限公司

    举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:20000平方 展商数量:800家 观众数量:32590人
    广州国际先进制造与智能工厂展览会(IMS-a CeMAT ASIA event)是中国华南地区**专业的国际展会,作为专业的智能工厂展,联合中国(广州)国际物流装备与技术展览会“LET-a CeMAT ASIA event”始终秉承展会紧扣市场前沿,以科技、创新及服务的先进办展理念,立足中国华南市场,为各展商提供高端专业展示平台,解决了企业工厂改造,全新建设从采购-生产-物流的整体完整方案。


    新一届IMS-a CeMAT ASIA event将继续在广州如期而至,立足华南市场、着力打造一个多角度展示企业、深层次实现交流、全方位促成合作的平台,我们也将尽**大的努力,为行业的发展与共赢持续服务!在此我们盛情欢迎您的加入,让智能工厂全行业的国际关键技术汇聚一堂,共同探讨关于工厂智能化、自动化、信息化、先进制造等一系列潮流趋势。

    整体工厂规划及应用: 整体运营设计工程,产线追踪追溯系统,供应链管理,工程电源系统,工厂集成化管理系统,节能控制系统

    工业机器人及机器视觉: 机器人整机,机器人模拟系统,机器人应用集成,机器视觉与传感技术,语音及图像识别系统,工业相机、工业镜头

    电气系统: 变压器、电池和不间断电源,电工器材、电线电缆,电气控制用电气开关装置和设备,电工及光电部件,电力电工测试和检测设备

    动力传动与控制系统: 伺服系统、马达、电机、减速机,传感器、整流器、驱动器,电子元器件,电子零部件及辅助设备,嵌入式系统,线性定位系统

    物联网及互联网+: 大数据分析及共享,物联网技术,云计算平台、云端储存,人工智能,移动互联网 无线通信技术 ,虚拟技术

    Sponsored by: Hannover MilanEtte Exhibition (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd

    Period: Annual Exhibition Area: 20,000 square exhibitors Number: 800 Number of visitors: 32,590 people
    Guangzhou International Advanced Manufacturing and Intelligent Factory Exhibition (IMS-a CeMAT ASIA event) is the most professional international exhibition in southern China, as a professional intelligent factory exhibition, joint China (Guangzhou) International Logistics Equipment and Technology Exhibition "LET-a CeMAT ASIA Event" has always been adhering to the exhibition close to the forefront of the market, with technology, innovation and service advanced exhibition concept, based on the South China market, to provide high-end professional display platform for exhibitors, Solved the enterprise factory transformation, brand-new construction from the procurement-production-logistics of the overall complete program.

    During the exhibition, a number of top enterprises from home and abroad focused on the display of high-tech products and technologies, including factory transformation, intelligent factory planning, intelligent logistics construction, system integration, robotics, AGV, machine vision, etc. Exhibition site, a series of exciting activities invited nearly a hundred industry experts and scholars around the "advanced manufacturing and intelligent logistics" to discuss, focus on the South China market user demand characteristics, tailor-made display of on-site application of technical solutions, urgent user needs, to solve the user's current difficulties. Work together with users to present the South China Smart Factory Feast!

    The new IMS-a CeMAT ASIA event will continue to arrive in Guangzhou in May as scheduled, based on the South China market, focus on creating a multi-angle display enterprises, in-depth exchanges, all-round cooperation platform, we will also do our best for the development of the industry and win-win continuous service! Here we welcome you to join us, so that smart factory industry-wide international key technologies come together to discuss the factory intelligence, automation, information technology, advanced manufacturing and a series of trends.

    The scope of the exhibits
    Overall plant planning and application: overall operation and design engineering, production line tracking and traceability system, supply chain management, engineering power system, plant integrated management system, energy-saving control system

    Industrial Robotics and Machine Vision: Robotics, Robotic Simulation Systems, Robotic Application Integration, Machine Vision and Sensing Technology, Speech and Image Recognition Systems, Industrial Cameras, Industrial Lenses

    Electrical systems: transformers, batteries and uninterruptible power supplies, electrical equipment, wire and cable, electrical control electrical switchgeables and equipment, electrical and photoelectrelectrient components, electrical and electrical testing and testing equipment

    Power transmission and control systems: servo systems, motors, motors, gearboxes, sensors, rectifiers, drivers, electronic components, electronic components and auxiliary equipment, embedded systems, linear positioning systems

    Internet of Things and internet plus: big data analytics and sharing, Internet of Things technology, cloud computing platform, cloud storage, artificial intelligence, mobile Internet wireless communication technology, virtual technology


    信息来源:会展号 浏览:63230次
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