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    2025德国杜塞尔多夫橡塑展览会K SHOW
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    [展会时间轴]  发布时间:2021/3/23 15:35:14  浏览:57761次
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  • 今天是2024年4月16日 星期二 这里是上海国际餐饮加盟展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。展务窗提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。展务窗祝您参展愉快!



    上海国际餐饮加盟展览会在中国 - 上海 - 上海新国际博览中心举行; 展会招商进行中,展位预定、展台搭建可在线提交需求或联系页面右侧业务人员为您安排。

    主办单位: 中国饭店协会

    举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:45000平方 展商数量:700家 观众数量:80000人
    作为中国餐饮风向标、中国餐饮领域**具影响力的盛会,“CHINA FOOD” 聚焦着海内外近千家展商及广大投资人的热切目光,无疑也成为各大展商**佳的品牌宣传、招商加盟、区域代理、城市加盟、合作联营交流平台。“CHINA FOOD  ”迎来5周年之际,展会将提升至“中国国际餐饮产业周”,600+展商,20,000平规模,50,000+人次,数十场专业会议论坛。

    75%+的转化率,这里不仅仅有个体加盟商,更有庞大的城市加盟商、地区代理商等企业级投资客。“CHINA FOOD”,中国餐饮品牌授权交易平台。

    CHINA FOOD秉承“展+会”的理念,坚持活力与成效,致力于推动更多的餐饮企业加盟餐饮品牌、三四线加盟一二线,让更多的专业投资人加盟优质的餐饮项目,实现更多的区域代理、城市合伙人、合作联营等高质量投资客。展会同期举办了:CHINA FOOD 第二届中国餐饮盛典、中国餐饮信用发展论坛、中国餐饮产业直供高峰论坛、中国盛宴·益海嘉里之夜等40多项精彩活动、品牌路演;并颁发了**具影响力餐饮品牌、**具投资价值餐饮品牌、**佳服务商”等重量级奖项。作为中国唯一专注餐饮连锁加盟、品牌授权、合作交易的展会,中国**盛大、**具专业标准的餐饮界开年盛会,展会带动了餐饮产业上下游广大资源以及数万寻找项目的专业投资人。

    中餐连锁: 快餐、正餐、火锅、早餐、面馆、特色餐厅、互联网+餐厅、未来餐厅

    西餐连锁: 快餐、正餐、休闲餐、牛排、自助、料理、色拉、各国美食

    咖啡饮品: 咖啡、茶饮、奶茶、鲜榨果汁、创意饮品、下午茶

    烘焙甜品: 烘焙、甜品、冰激凌、巧克力、面包、蛋糕、DIY创意甜品

    美味小吃: 烧烤、卤味、熟食、炸鸡、小丸子、风味小吃、国民小吃

    休闲食品: 零食、干货、水果、进口食品等

    非遗美食: 各国各地特色美食

    Sponsored by: China Hotel Association

    Cycle: Annual Exhibition Area: 45,000 square exhibitors Number: 700 Audiences: 80,000 people

    As China's food and beverage weather, China's most influential food and beverage industry event, "CHINA FOOD" focus on nearly a thousand exhibitors at home and abroad and the vast number of investors eager eyes, no doubt also become the best major exhibitors brand publicity, investment join, regional agents, city joining, cooperation and joint exchange platform. On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of "CHINA FOOD", the exhibition will be upgraded to "China International Food and Beverage Industry Week", with 600 exhibitors, 20,000 flat scale, 50,000 people, and dozens of professional conference forums.

    With a conversion rate of 75% plus, there are not only individual franchisees, but also huge city franchisees, regional agents and other enterprise-level investors. "CHINA FOOD", china food and beverage brand licensing trading platform.

    CHINA FOOD adhering to the concept of "exhibition and meeting", adhere to vitality and effectiveness, is committed to promoting more catering enterprises to join the restaurant brand, three or four lines to join the first and second lines, so that more professional investors to join high-quality catering projects, to achieve more regional agents, city partners, cooperative associates and other high-quality investors. The exhibition was held at the same time: CHINA FOOD 2nd China Food and Beverage Festival, China Food and Beverage Credit Development Forum, China Food and Beverage Industry Direct Supply Summit Forum, China Feast Yihai Kerry Night and more than 40 exciting activities, brand roadshows, and awarded the most influential food and beverage brands, the most investment value food and beverage brands, the best service providers" and other heavyweight awards. As China's only focus on restaurant chain joining, brand licensing, cooperative trading exhibition, China's largest, most professional standards of the restaurant industry open annual event, the exhibition led the catering industry upstream and downstream of the vast number of resources and tens of thousands of professional investors looking for projects.

    The scope of the exhibits

    Chinese food chain: fast food, dinner, hot pot, breakfast, noodle restaurant, specialty restaurant, Internet plus restaurant, future restaurant

    Western food chain: fast food, dinner, casual meals, steak, self-service, cuisine, salad, national cuisine

    Coffee drinks: coffee, tea, milk tea, freshly squeezed juices, creative drinks, afternoon tea

    Baked desserts: Baking, desserts, ice cream, chocolate, bread, cakes, DIY creative desserts

    Delicious snacks: barbecue, halogen, deli, fried chicken, small pills, flavor snacks, national snacks

    Snacks, dry goods, fruits, imported food, etc

    Non-relict cuisine: Specialties from all over the world

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 上海餐饮加盟展  
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